12. Low Saturated Fat Intake is Harmful.
13. Higher Fat Nutrition Saved Lives
14. RAW Vegetables are Very Beneficial; Cooked Vegetables Have Modest Benefit.
15. Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fats: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
17. Hidden Sources of Omega-6 Fats
18. Road Map to Elite Performance or Pitiful Performance
19. We Feel the PAIN: Vegetable Oil Pain
20. Ideal Omega-6 to Omega-3 Fat Ratio
21. Vegetable Oils are Linked to Obesity and Can Raise Blood Sugar Levels.
22. Avoid Trans Fats at All Costs.
23. How Fats We Eat Affect Insulin and Type 2 Diabetes
24. HSL Opens the Door of Fat Cells