Saxenda CA

Injectable only ↓ Weight -7.13 pounds average (136)
Injectable only ↓ Weight -7.94 pounds average in 26 weeks 1.8 mg daily (138)
Injectable only ↓ Weight -4.84 pounds in 52 weeks 1.8 mg daily (LEAD3 trial) (569)
Injectable only ↓ Weight -6.16 pounds in 26 weeks 1.8 mg daily (LEAD2 trial) (569)
↓ Abdominal fat and internal organ fat -2.2 to -5.28 pounds in 52 weeks (569)
↓ Lean tissue LBM (Lean Body Mass includes muscle) -3.3 pounds average in 52 weeks (569) or
↓ Fat loss is 2/3 of weight loss and LBM (Lean Body Mass) loss is 1/3 of weight loss
Weightt loss is not continual and only occurs in first 1 to 2 years of therapy. (569)
Liraglutide Injection did not ↓ fat more than metformin (Glucophage) + placebo (no other drugs) (569)
↑ Risk of pancreatitis avoid if history of pancreatitis
↓ Weight -3.74 pounds average vs placebo (no drug) time not specified in Meta-analysis study (700)
* FDA Warning ↑ Increased risk of Thyroid C-cell tumor with use of Liraglutide
Generic Name: Liraglutide

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