
Addition of Pimavanserin to what was predicted to be sub-effective doses of the 2nd Generation Atypical Antipsychotic Risperidone (2mg/day) led to clinical efficacy comparable to that of full dose Risperidone, (6 mg/day), a dose believed to be effective in the majority of non-treatment resistant schizophrenia patients, and at the same time, produced less severe weight gain, less extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS), and less serum prolactin elevations (1563, 1565)
The percentage of people who gained at least 7% in weight in this 6 week study was significantly greater in the Risperidone, (6 mg/day) group (18.9%) compared with the Risperidone (2mg/day) + Pimavanserin combination therapy group (6.3%); (p=0.03). (1563)
↑ 72% of people taking 2nd generation antipsychotics gained 7% or more of their baseline weight in greater than > 38 weeks p<0.001 [Meta-analysis of 307 studies (56)]
↑ Virtually all antipsychotic medications are associated weight gain over time. [Meta-analysis of 307 studies (56)] and [Meta-analysis of 81 studies (67)] and (2200, 2190, 2208)
↑ Both 1st and 2nd generation antipsychotics are associated with weight gain. [Meta-analysis of 81 studies (67)]
Generic Name: Pimavanserin

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