Impril (Discontinued) CA

↑ 7% or more weight gain in 24.5% of people long term use (149)
↑ 9.9 pounds average in 4 months (short term study) (14)
↑ 4.6 pounds average in 6 weeks (short term study) (100)
↑ 8.8 pounds average ± 3.08 pounds in 4-6 months (short term study)(100)
↑ 1.3 ± 5.3 lb for acute phase (9.5 weeks) (short term study)
↑ 3.1 ± 7.8 lb for continuing phase (23 weeks) (short term study) (123)
↑ 34% of people treated gained weight in a short term study of 16 weeks. (122)
↑ 5 pounds on average in 16 weeks was the weight gain in the study (122)
The weight gain occurred as follows:
↑ 19% of people gained 6-10 pounds of weight in 16 weeks (122)
↑ 9% of people gained 11-15 pounds weight in 16 weeks (122)
↑ 6% of people gained > (more than) 15 pounds in 16 weeks (122)
↓ 6% of people lost 6-10 pounds weight in 16 weeks (122)
↑ 69% of people treated gained weight in a 10 year study (101)
Generic Name: Imipramine 

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