Contrave CA

↓ In the 56-week COR-I trial, the mean change in body weight was -5.4% among patients assigned to Contrave 32 mg/360 mg compared with -1.3% among patients assigned to placebo [Intent-To-Treat (ITT) population] (803)
↓ If obese, 7.5% loss with 300mg/day with Bupropion alone (65)
↓ 8.6% loss with 400 mg/day; in 48 weeks with Bupropion alone (65)
↓ If BMI less than < 22, -0.22 pounds loss in 44 weeks with Bupropion alone (127)
↓ If BMI 22 to 26, -1.32 pound loss average in 44 weeks with Bupropion alone (127)
↓ If BMI 30 or > greater -5.28 pounds loss average in 44 weeks with Bupropion alone (127)
↓ 2.86 pounds (time period not specified) Meta-analysis study with Bupropion alone (700)
Response to therapy should be evaluated after 12 weeks at the maintenance dosage per FDA prescribing information, and if a patient has not lost at least 5% of baseline body weight, suggests to discontinue Contrave, as it is unlikely that the patient will achieve and sustain clinically meaningful weight loss with continued treatment. (803)
Generic Name: Naltrexone &

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